Lukman Abdulmalik At a recent round table discussion on constituency projects in Lokoja, some constituents have called on state and federal legislators to own functional constituency offices. This is one …
SPESAN Develops Business Plan To Ease Challenges Of Accessing Learning Services In BUK
Lukman Abdulmalik The Department of Special Education, Bayero University (BUK) Kano, has approximately 500 students including over 200 students with special needs. The students are either studying with visual, hearing, …
Stephen Enoch Stallion Times has on Thursday enhanced the multimedia skills of over 40 journalists at a training workshop in Kano. The training which took place at the Conference Hall …
Lukman Abdulmalik A total of 40 Journalists in Kogi State have participated in multimedia newsroom training. The training workshop on Thursday was organized by Stallion Times Media Service Ltd the …
Lukman Abdulmalik No fewer than 40 Kano Journalists were trained in Data Journalism and Media Standards to improve their investigative reports. The training which took place on Thursday was organized …
Lukman Abdulmalik Stallion Times with the support of the Wole Soyinka Center for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) and the MacArthur Foundation has trained no fewer than 40 journalists from the blogosphere, …
By Abdul Ozumi To encourage objective and balanced reportage of conflict situations and the worsening unethical media reports leading to abuse or irresponsible journalism that pursues sensationalism, biases, prejudices, and …
By Muslimat Itopa Media Organizations in Kogi State have been called upon to promote positive, inclusive images of women and men with disabilities and stimulate a climate of non-discrimination and …
Anti-CorruptionCivil Society
Stallion Times Trains Journalists on Budget Tracking, Reporting in Kano
Grace Egila Stallion Times Media Services under the ‘Get Involved, Dialogue and Improve Project (G-DRIP) has trained over 30 journalists on Budget Tracking and Reporting in Kano. The two-day capacity-building …
Anti-CorruptionCivil Society
Stallion Times Trains 30 Journalists on Budget Tracking, Reporting in Kogi
By Oyiza Bello A Stallion Times project, ‘Get involved, Dialogue and Improve, G-DRIP’ has trained 30 journalists on Budget Tracking and Reporting in Lokoja, Kogi state. For the two-day event …