By Muhammad Bashir
For nearly a decade or more than so, a single song has “loudly” echoed across northern Nigeria—igniting a thermal debate that refuses to fade.
It began as poetry, a lyrical tribute to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but soon evolved into a mere theological battleground.
Yes, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stands far above every human in all aspects of goodness—his value and daraja (status before Allah) is beyond question. His honour is undisputed, and every sincere believer acknowledges his unparalleled position in creation.
Thus, this write-up is not to challenge that truth but rather to open a path for peace—or at the very least, to allow knowledgeable scholars to engage in meaningful discourse. It should not be left to “angry” social media Sheikhs, whose approach often deepens division instead of fostering understanding.
Now, on the issue of whether the Prophet’s sandals surpass the value of human beings, the debate remains intense. The Izala sect argues that there is no clear Nass (textual evidence) to support such a claim.
On the other hand, many scholars from the Tijjaniyya and Qadiriyya sects embrace these expressions as signs of deep reverence, insisting that everything associated with the Prophet (SAW) holds a status beyond that of any human being.
I also wish to take this opportunity to clear the air on my stance. I firmly believe that anything that touched the Prophet’s (SAW) blessed skin or came from him carries unique blessings. This includes his hair, his blood—as seen in the narrated case of Hijama (cupping therapy), his turban, his garments, and even his sandals.
There is no doubt that he is the most elevated Prophet among all the Prophets of Allah, and his status is beyond comparison!
s.abo this heated debate, what is troubling me the most is not the verbal war itself, but what it has done to the unity of Muslims—the illegal trade of bitter words on social media, where insults are exchanged freely. In some cases, students have turned against their teachers, and respected scholars have been accused of insulting the Prophet (SAW) simply for questioning the comparison between his sandals and human beings.
Amidst all this, the million-dollar question that seems to have been largely ignored is this: What would Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself have said if he saw his Ummah divided over an object that once belonged to him? Would this not be deeply disappointing to him—considering that his greatest mission was to unite people in the cause of propagating Allah’s name, not to have them argue over his sandals? Honestly, I struggle to understand!
Would he be pleased to see Muslims arguing, sometimes violently, over his sandals? Would he want his name to be used as a weapon to attack fellow believers? Would he approve of the fact that, instead of strengthening our ranks against common challenges of Western threats that smuggle our faiths; and social media attractions—we are weakening ourselves over an issue that was never even a subject of conflict during his time?
It was in the middle of this heated debate that I decided to share my thoughts on Facebook, writing: “I have a STRONG belief that if Abubakar & Umar (RA) had KNOWN that Muslims would be divided over the Prophet’s (SAW) sandal, they would have BURIED it—to maintain PEACE.”
To my surprise, this simple reflection sprouted another leaf of controversy. Some people supported the statement, while others claimed I did not truly understand the nature of the Sahabah (RA) and their love for the Prophet (SAW).
This is precisely the reason I have decided to pick up my pen and write. Not to fan the flames of this debate, but to remind us of something far more important: unity in Islam. If we truly love the Prophet (SAW), then our actions must align with his teachings.
His companions, Abubakar and Umar (RA), were men of wisdom, unity, and foresight. If they had known that any relic of the Prophet (SAW) would one day become a cause of disunity, I have a strong belief that they would have buried it—not out of disregard, but to protect the peace of the Ummah.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never encouraged division among his followers. Instead, he consistently reminded them that brotherhood was one of the greatest strengths of the Ummah—and that’s how Islam, at that time, conquered many strong empires. The beauty of brotherhood!
In an authentic Hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Do not hate each other, do not envy each other, and do not turn away from each other. O slaves of Allah, be brothers.” (Sahih Muslim, 2563)
Also, during his Farewell Sermon, the Prophet (SAW) addressed a crowd of over 100,000 Muslims, delivering a final message that would define Islam for generations.
Clearly, Prophet Muhammad SAW did not mention his personal belongings or physical relics. Instead, he focused on:
1. The oneness of Allah
2. The importance of unity and
3. The obligation to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah
He also said, “Let those who are present inform those who are absent, for perhaps the informed one may comprehend it better than the present audience.”
If unity was the last message of the Prophet (SAW), why are we today making his belongings a source of disunity?
The companions of the Prophet (RA), including Abu Bakr and Umar, had the deepest love for him. Yet, their love was never expressed through arguments over relics—it was shown through their strict adherence to his teachings.
Similarly, Umar (RA) was known for his zero tolerance for division. He once ordered the cutting of a tree under which the Prophet (SAW) had taken an oath with his companions, simply because people had begun over-exalting it. If a tree that witnessed an important event in Islam could be removed to prevent division, what would Umar (RA) say about a sandal causing conflict today?
I read somewhere about the position of scholars like Imam Malik ibn Anas (RA)—that all involving sects respect and follow, Imam Muhammad ibn Idris ash—Shafi’i, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, had immense respect for the belongings of the Prophet (SAW).
However, they were clear on one thing—nothing, not even the Prophet’s relics, should cause division among Muslims.
Imam Malik once said, “The true honouring of the Prophet (SAW) is in following his Sunnah, not in disputing over objects.” I think this wisdom is exactly what is needed today. The love for the Prophet (SAW) should lead us to unite, not argue. If an issue is causing harm, then we must resolve it wisely.
To be honest, one of the most painful consequences of this ongoing argument is its impact on non-Muslims who are interested in Islam.
Every year, especially during Ramadan, many non-Muslims visit our mosques, observing how Muslims pray, fast, and engage in charity. Many of them, moved by our unity and discipline, choose to embrace Islam.
However, this 2025 Ramadan, the number of new converts has significantly dropped. Instead of witnessing an Ummah that stands together, many outsiders now see a community caught in endless disputes over a sandal.
Islam is not about winning arguments—it is about winning hearts. We must ask ourselves:
1. Are we pushing people away from Islam through our actions?
2. Are we promoting the Prophet’s (SAW) teachings, or just using his name for debate?
3. Are we prioritizing what he prioritized—faith, justice, and unity?
If we truly love the Prophet (SAW), we must prove it not by arguing, but by acting upon his Sunnah. We must rebuild the spirit of brotherhood that the Sahabah (RA) upheld.
The Ummah has faced enough challenges from external enemies—we do not need internal ones adding to our problems. Let us refocus our energy on what truly matters.
May Allah grant us wisdom, and may He keep the Muslim Ummah united. Ameen.